Day by Day cartoon

Saturday, March 20, 2010

No posting? Been busy I guess-

So what have I been doing? Not blogging obviously. I've been to the International Sportsmans Show with Kenny and Jim- we went on Thursday- before the weekend crowds arrived. I guess that's one nice thing about not working, I can go do things during the week that I couldn't if I had a job. But anyway, we had a really nice time checking out the exhibits, spending our money with Rocky Mountain Tackle, and ran into the guy we met last summer while we were staying at the Vacation Inn over at Flaming Gorge. It was a really nice day out.

I'm still working on Fish Slayer. Today I finally pulled out 1/2 of the floor and installed the first seat post base and got the floor back in and screwed down. Tomorrow I'll get the other side and then I can begin putting back in all the panels I've pulled out to recover. I put new black vinyl on both consoles, reinstalled the formerly missing horn, dropped the steering wheel key under the floor- I guess I'll get it back tomorrow, and fixed the light on the tachometer already. So reinstalling the trim boards is next and then the downriggers can be installed- the 2nd one arrived today- thanks Ebay! and then the boat will be ready for fishing. I'm getting pretty excited about getting on the lake!

What else... the BSU and I have been to the movies a couple times recently. She's Out of My League is a raunchy, funny romp that we both really liked. It's a "timid, nerdy boy meets hot, successful girl" love story and if you liked There's Something About Mary you'll probably get a kick out of this movie.

We also saw Bounty Hunter that stars Jenifer Anniston and Gerard Butler, he's a former cop turned bounty hunter, she's a succesful newspaper reporter on the trail of a story nobody else suspects and a bail jumper due to a missed court date. And they are both ex's, formerly married to each other and now distractedly divorced and still angry at each other. But she has a warrant out for her arrest and he is promised 5000 bucks for bringing her in and they spend the weekend handcuffed together, checking into the honeymoon bed & breakfast, running from bookie money collectors and generally misbehaving. If there were an Academy Award for the best boobs on display for the greatest portion of a movie, Bounty Hunter would be a contender because Jen's rack is generally on display for the entire time except for the time Gerard has her slung over her shoulder and her shapely butt is on display! Of course they end up falling back in love and solving the murder mystery by the time the weekend is over. We both liked this one- me particularly because of the previously mentioned cleavage bounty but it's fast paced and fun.

One thing did pissmeoff about this movie and it is high time Hollywood get this message- Get your boogerhook off the bang switch! Butler's character Milo has his index finger jammed into the trigger guard of his handgun every time, from the minute he pulls it out from wherever he's hiding it! I found this dumbass behavior more than annoying and it is time for it to stop!

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